Bike Trip Bangalore mysore

Monday, July 10, 2006

The Decision: Technically the decision was made at 3:30 sat afternoon, but it does have history.
This weekend was meant for Gokarna bike trip but unfortunately rains, some discouraging words and work in Ladies man( Abhishek) office postponed the trip. Then LM(Ladies man) suggested on Saturday to go to Mysore which appeared like a stroll in comparison to Gokarna we were reluctant but the prospect of spending the Night outside is to delicious to be refused. So me, Jain Saab(Ashish), Hainge(Anuj, who was named thus during the trip itself) started the journey at 5:00 PM.

The Resources: Two bikes Super Splendor and Yamha Rxz. And a saddle bag, which was really helpful. Got to really thank fighter(Ashish Chokani) for it, he was the real biker and we picked it up from him. Driving with a saddle bag on the back seat of super splendor was a real grand experience and it gave a real macho feeling.

The Ride: if you excuse the ride through Bangalore then only one word can describe ride delightful. The road was like a dusky beauty in the class of Kajol, Nandita das, and Konkona Sen.and for old timers Smita Patil. You have to really appreciate these beauties to figure out what I am saying. Like them it was effortless smooth and most importantly curvy. the real beauty never reveals everything the moment you feel you have hang of them they surprise you with a curve, and when you feel everything is straight it shows you the importance of being up and down. The greenery around(it is a monsoon time) reminded me a lot about kajol in DDLJ wearing green outfit of a bride, and sitting majestically amongst all dance and drama. And add to that the white lines on the road which were like expressive eyes of these virgin beauties telling you where to touch them next.

The Place: Mysore is different paced city than Bangalore, but none of us being city guys explored the city. Except the fact that there are good Bars and hotels near palace and not near Bus station.

Places Visited: Chamundi Hills, Chamundi Hills and Chamundi Hills. Away from city and in the greens with a birds eye view of green city was really soaking. Soaking is feeling I had throughout the trip. It wasn’t about watching, it wasn’t about enjoying it was about soaking everything that was there. It felt like, it was extension of me, instead of some stranger. And the return journey actually underlined it that it wasn’t about reaching there, but it was being with ‘it’. ‘it’ being journey, people , race course view from top, or just standing on moonlit dark and deserted highway.

To Remember: Ladies man laughter in the night, the huge bull (Nandi) on Chamundi hills, the butter milk, rest everything was soaked in. I can’t recount it but just feel inside it, it is something that you will never feel in bus, car or train. On a bike you are part of every frame and whatever is happening outside actually happens to you. This is a kind of experience which very few things can give you.

Damper: The highway is no doubt good but it is still unfinished and in some place you will feel that it should have been 3 lanes because if there is traffic you can’t call a particular lane as yours. But all in all a good trip.

Lessons Learnt: When I drove at 100km/hr I didn’t really enjoy, you should have that skill but soon I realized, driving can also be like love, which is not to conquer but to play around make merry and engage. And you engage the beauty not by speed but by rhythm and perfect frequency. On practical side wear tight body hugging clothes otherwise you will also have to battle with wind.


  • Excellent Travelogue..... just that... I'm a little concerned about the Virginity of your beauties ;-)

    Waise 1 week ruko.. I'm gonna post some amazing pics of a new place that I've discovered.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:02 PM  

  • chennagi bardidya sushant :-). bhashe bahala saralavagi idey.
    but ultimately I did not understand the purpose of your trip since u did not see anything in mysore.
    for enjoying beauty of speed u cud have driven anywhere else nearby also. u havent mentioned about people of mysore? their nature / attitude as compared to blreans...:-). Hows mysore food?

    I guess u were totally lost in boozing than anything else ;-)
    Overall - good blog. I rate u 6 on 10!! ;-)

    btw, when is your next trip to Gokarna?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:32 AM  

  • The Purpose was not to have purpose

    By Blogger programmed with bugs, at 4:33 AM  

  • After a long time, like a breath of fresh air here comes a travelogue with a supposedly ‘DIFFERENT’ tagline. Most of the times people confuse with the well formed boundaries of ‘Travel Article ’, “itinerary” and ‘Travelogue’, but here also writer seems walking the tight ropes and at the same time, striving to serve his purpose well .Anyways, I prefer calling it travelogue as it is more of individual experiences of short stay rather than one written after prolonged one .

    The Craft: A very well crafted article with sections divided for each part and each and every nitty gritty covered with a lot of care. Each section is dedicatedly devoted to one of the parts of journey and hence makes understanding of the mindset of the traveler who is also a writer close and special for the reader...

    The Description: The travelogue seems a good attempt and that too with effortless ease. The writer seems to be totally immersed in the virgin (or is it??) beauty of the road less traveled and seems keen on viewer having the same perspective too. In the earlier part of the article comparison with the well known beauties, adds to the charm.

    The Dampeners (read this!!!): For a maiden article and travelogue, seemingly good but leaves a lot more desired. For most important thing, that while writing an article should be kept in mind is VOCABLARY and GRAMMER. Maybe , with the changing times , people think that it doesn’t matter too much and we should go with the flow , however , a well presented article with all correct propositions , grammar , presentation and layout sums upto a thing which is definitely a piece of joy for eyes as you are reading one. I would like to suggest the writer to have a second look at the proposed writing.

    Also, I would like to point out that although the Article starts off with a good kick, the end has a very different note and is not in sync with the previous one .

    A travelogue by the very definition can be described as “A film or book about traveling to or in a particular place” , which has been achieved to a great extent , barring some places where the writer seems to have lost the thread of the journey and has been going around the same subject and describing it only . Definitely, must avoidance in all future articles.

    Lessons for the future: A great start and indeed a very encouraging one or the poor versed people of travel. However, needs more polished and a good ending and who knows we have a la Richard Burton types, who have been off the scene for a long time. As always. Hope for the best.

    By Blogger Raima, at 5:32 AM  

  • nice one sushanth, i liked the way you compared the dusk n dark beauties.. that was a nice comparision.. :D

    but why is the title as trip blore n mysore, it should have been bike trip on blore -mysore highway ;)

    and now the main part - riding where am also interested..

    let me give you one important tip to make the ride more interesting and a macho feeling..!! oops i meant, madhavan feeling.. (hope you have watched alaipayuthe)
    next time don't forget to carry
    cd-man loaded with songs which suits the riding mood.. :D


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:22 AM  

  • hey.. looks like u really enjoyed the ride.

    That pic is really good.

    It looks like you've written this blog with passion.

    great work.. kep updating us abt ur trip

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:22 AM  

  • sir ji, kya mast likha hai... tabhi kabhi tez kabhi slow bike driver ker rahe the ;-))

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:46 AM  

  • Can resist to leave without comment..
    Nice One. I always knew u like Kajol, but was never aware that u like curves as well. That's my forte. Anyways do keep writing more

    Vishal Relhan

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:01 AM  

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